National Reading

The National Reading Survey (NRS) is a nationally representative survey of the adult population aged 16+. It profiles adults’ reading practices, preferences and contexts, and includes questions on reading with children, digital reading, library use and language preferences. Read more

National Reading 

The National Reading Barometer maps the health of the South African reading ecosystem, using National Reading Survey findings and published secondary data.

The Barometer assesses four dimensions of the reading ecosystem:

Reading Ability

Reading Materials Access

Institutional Framework

Reading Motivation and Practice

National reading barometer

Reading Personas

There is not one right way to read: people read for different reasons and in different ways. To understand South Africa’s diverse reading cultures, we used statistical clustering to identify five distinct Reader Personas. The Personas can help us understand different audiences, and develop targeted messaging and strategies to support them.

Persona 1


Persona 2

Functional readers

Persona 3

Occasional readers

Persona 4

Regular readers

Persona 5

Committed readers

How do South Africans read?



What kind of reader are you?

Find out by taking our Reader Persona quiz. 

It takes 5 minutes and you'll get the answer right away.

The quiz is completely anonymous. 

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Self-assessment image

About us

The National Reading Barometer project describes adult reading culture and the broader reading ecosystem in South Africa. It is led by the Nal'ibali Trust in partnership with the National Library of South Africa (NLSA). The Survey and Barometer will be repeated in 2026 and 2030.

The project includes two components:

National Reading Survey (NRS) 

The National Reading Survey (NRS) is a nationally representative survey of the adult population aged 16+. It profiles adults’ reading practices, preferences and contexts, and includes questions on reading with children, digital reading, library use and language preferences. The Survey was designed to enable limited continuity with the 2016 National Reading Survey run by the South African Book Development Council (SABDC). 

National Reading Barometer (NRB) 

The National Reading Barometer (NRB) is a new compilation of secondary datasets, plus selected data points from the NRS above, that collates and tracks changes in the overall health of the South African reading ecosystem.

Funders and Partners

Department of Sports, Arts and Culture NLSA Nal'ibali DGMT NECT ZENEX
The 2023 National Reading Survey and Barometer were funded by the National Library of South Africa (NLSA), DGMT, the Zenex Foundation and the National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT).